Owners and Vignerons, Owen and Cassandra Inglis founded Sidewood in 2004 with a passion to create beautifully balanced and elegant award winning wines of the highest quality. Though their history is short, Sidewood has achieved five red-star accreditation from James Halliday and in 2016 became the largest eco sustainable winery in the Adelaide Hills. Sidewood now encompasses four individual vineyards in Oakbank, Echunga, Nairne and Verdun. The original 300 acre Oakbank vineyard is situated in the Onkaparinga Valley, 380m above sea level. Climate, soil type, an unwavering focus on excellence in viticulture combined with hand-picking and fruit selection play a vital role to ensure that only the best fruit is grown and used for Sidewood Wines. Sidewood Wines are made by internationally acclaimed Winemaker, Darryl Catlin at Sidewood’s state of the art winery at Nairne in the Adelaide Hills.